Thursday, March 10, 2011

Expat in the works: This is the start

Expat in the works: This is the start: "It's simple. The time has come. For years now my partner and I have been coming to the conclusion that we would be better off living outside..."

This is the start

It's simple.
The time has come.
For years now my partner and I have been coming to the conclusion that we would be better off living outside of the United States of America, where we have lived until now.

I'm  not out to brag about how worldly I am, nor to I feel superior to my fellow Americans - in fact, I'm pretty sure I'm lacking when compared to many. But I'm going with my core instinct in this decision to leave this country behind.

When I was younger, I'd be up for a leap of faith and just go, but age has taught me to take the leap with at least a modicum of knowledge.

So with that in mind I'm starting the first blog I've ever done to learn from people who have made the leap before me and to tune up my insights as I prepare for this scary and thrilling life change.

A few quick facts: I'm politically progressive, middle aged, reasonably talented in my field, have a house in Vermont I'm looking to sell or rent, and most significantly at this moment a dual citizen of the US and Ireland.

So I'm looking for a new (preferably, as the Clash once said, safe European) home.

I'm looking for people with advice, common cause and wisdom born of experience as well as people like me looking to make the leap as well, because there is comfort and safety in numbers.

I think we should talk.